The primary objective of this webpage is to help the community grow and to focus research on the core topics of representations for generalization, learning and transfer in planning. This is closely connected with research threads of generalized planning, where the objective is to inductively or deductively compute a structure that improves the efficiency of planning across a set of desired problem instances.
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LTL$_f$ Reactive Synthesis under Environment Specifications
Reactive synthesis can be viewed as a game between the $environment$ and the $agent$, where the agent tries to achieve its task with respect to environment m...
Generalized Planning as Heuristic Search
Heuristic search is one of the most successful approaches to classical planning. Unfortunately, it is not straightforward to adopt state-of-the-art search a...
Learning Sketches for Decomposing Planning Problems into Subproblems of Bounded Width
In reinforcement learning (RL), the intrinsic reward function defines reward signals that help learning policies in cases where the extrinsic rewards are spa...
Metrics for Evaluating Generalized Plans
The computation and analysis of representations that aid generalizability and transfer in planning is a rich area of research with multiple approaches. For ...